Wednesday, July 22, 2009

things that happened today

-One of my closest childhood friends was bitten by a shark CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT and my mother used it as an excuse when she was an hour late for her plans

-I realized the benefits of having a microwave on my bedside table

-I explored the universe of potato chips dipped in nutella

I'm afraid that when I'm middle aged I might be hard and brown and wrinkled like a nut.


  1. wowee who was that?
    I keep thinking about you by the way like a creep, that means I miss you

  2. it was my friend jenna james i am pretty sure there is some stuff about it on the internet but she's fine and all. i was thinking about you last night! i miss you too peaches am excited to live in the same circles again sometime.

    i am not sure what is proper etiquette for the placement of response blognotes; do you just put them here, like this?
